Promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MAEP) of Togo and funded by the German Cooperation (Deutsche Zusammenarbeit-GIZ), the application "e-MarketPrice" is a 100% Togolese application simple and intuitive, allowing any natural or legal person from the formal and informal sector to consult and analyze the prices of products available on Togolese markets.
Our advantages:
- Search prices of products on Togolese markets according to a defined date period
- Exporting results in Excel format
- Evolution in the form of graphs (curves or histograms) of the different prices of the products on the markets
- List of different markets, organized according to the prefectures, of Togo
- List of the different products, organized according to the categories of products, from Togo
- Geolocation of Togo's markets
Please send us your comments through the section "your opinion interests us" of the said application.